Hi. I'm Raymond.

This is my website! Pretty cool, right?

my son

I could not be more blessed to have Pochita, my very own son, in my life.

Among Us Strawberries

I'm testing how images of differing sizes behave in this template.

Do gifs work?

The answer is yes. Yes they do.

What I do

Below is a list of things that I am rather proficient at, or am possibly interested, or something like that.


ngl i do be coding


Hello everyone, this is the Lock-picking Lawyer, and today we'll be testing out the lock to this Scholastic book fair diary.

Default Settings

Default Settings


Oh yeah, those things. I've heard of them.

The Chain

A fantastic song by Fleetwood Mac.


Mine diamonds, baby.

Get in touch

Interested in working with me? Shoot me a message!